Current Supplier/Past Supplier/Developer Privacy Notice

What data we hold
We hold the following information about you for the length of time we think you may be interested in our goods and services or until you ask us to remove it:

  • Contact information
  • Company Name
  • Financial information

If you’re a developer, we also hold this information about you for the duration that we have a relationship with you, unless we are required by law to hold it for longer, e.g. litigation.

Details of the technical personal data that we process if you use our website

  • Our website uses cookies to collect information about our site and how it’s being used. This will include an IP address assigned to you or, more likely, to someone who provides you with Internet access.
  • Unless you have adjusted your web browser settings (if and where possible) to refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies as soon as you visit our website or related online services.

Using your information

Technical data
The cookies collected when you visit our site are used to track which pages are being viewed by our website users. This information allows us to maximise user experience of the website.

Managing our relationship with you
We will use your data to manage our relationship with you. We need to use your details to enter into and perform contracts with you, as well as keeping track of what we have agreed – a legitimate thing for a business to do.

If we contact you using these details for marketing purposes (which we may do if we think you will be interested in the goods and services that we provide), we will always abide by the PECR (The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations: which means we will only phone you if you are not on a suppression list and email you if you are an existing customer or a corporation.

Transfers of your data
We use a number of processors to perform necessary business tasks. This is a legitimate thing for us to do.

Some of these processors are based outside of the EEA however we only transfer data outside of the EEA if it is to a country or organisation that is deemed by the EU to have adequate protection of data and will inform you if doing so. For example, our cloud data providers in the US are all signed up to the Privacy Shield. This can be viewed at:

Third parties
We do not transfer your data to third parties.

Technical and operational security
As an organisation, NetDespatch Ltd is committed to protecting your personal data. This includes technical security measures (e.g. Intrusion, detection, firewalls, monitoring), encryption of personal data, restricted access to personal data, protection of our physical premises and hard assets, maintaining security measures for our team members and mitigation of data-loss risk.

Our employees are trained on Data Privacy and are committed to protecting your rights.

Your rights
As a supplier you have rights in respect of our processing of your personal data. The relevant rights are:

  • Request a copy of your personal data and information about our processing of it.
  • Request that we delete information on you if we do not need to hold it.
  • Request that we correct any personal data that we hold on you.
  • Request that we stop processing your data, for example for marketing purposes.
  • Request that we move your data to another organisation’s IT system electronically.

If you want to exercise any of these rights, please just contact us on

You also have the right to lodge a complaint about our processing with a supervisory authority — in the UK that is the ICO whose details are here:

Contact us
If you want to talk to us about this, please email us on